Saturday, January 02, 2010
Friday, January 01, 2010

Now if you've ever been around high school students much, you know that there ain't no motto they're going to get all jazzed about. "Sex, drugs, and rock and roll," might be the closest mantra to at least some of MTV's finest back in the day.
Some of the ones I remember were "Believe it; Achieve It--Make This Year Count." "Don't Settle for Less; Be the Best." And "Be Number One." In fact the last one seemed to be incorporated in all the others in later themes.
But if given the task of sloganning, theming, or mottoing for our country, I guess one could do worse than "Enjoy: Don't destroy."
There's so much to enjoy in our land. And so many who seem heck-bent on doing destruction to the land and its people. Some of them reside in our nation's Capital. I think I'll leave it at that on the first day of a new year. On the first day of a new decade.
Enjoy 2010 all you can, all the time. If you have the gall, try also to be Number One.
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Wednesday, December 30, 2009
as a neighborhood friend used to say, don't old people slide for exercise?

It may not be the best cardio, but it certainly wouldn't be the worst either. I mean we walk while our younger neighbors jog. Why shouldn't we slide?
It's only climbing a few steps. Most could handle that. The act of going down the "slicky slide" isn't too demanding or exhilarating. It shouldn't tax one too much either way.
After the descent, a walk back to the steps is at least more calorie burning than flipping channels on the remote. Although to be honest, it may not be as far a walk as that made to the fridge.
It can be repeated all day. At least it seemed like we went sliding (no one ever used the past tense and said we slided or slud, to use a Dizzy Dean expression) for entire mornings before we tired.
When we did we headed for the swings. Which could be another activity for the older ones. Not many calories or cardios burned there, but variety has its own rewards sometimes, too.
I can just see it now--Parks for Seniors. Just leave off those big spring horses. Our balance may not be what it once was.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Monday, December 28, 2009

Thankfully I know none of the first graders in this picture taken at a grade school in MTV. Why thankfully?
Come on, close readers. Look carefully at the picture on the left. Now you see it.
That mean teacher is disciplining that cute little girl in green. Her stinking foot is stuck right up to the girl's nose. Plus, her other sock is off, too. Is she planning another frontal assault? Is she going to extend her right leg and make the little gray shirted boy take a whiff, too?
I'm telling you, that teacher is evil. She's totally ignoring the little girl on the end whose hand is raised high, begging to be seen. I surmise that the girl in purple has a little better sniffer than the others and is sickened by the aroma emanating from the sweaty teacher's sweaty feet
Back in my day as a student, no teacher would have been able to get away with that kind of maltreatment. Oh they might have been able to rap you with a ruler, toss an eraser at you to get your attention, or paddle you. But you didn't have to share or partake in any of their bodily disfunctions. Other than bad breath which generally went with being a teacher and having a dry mouth because of all the yelling.
Sunday, December 27, 2009