That's the color of my car. Ever since I was a teen, that's the color of car I wanted.
But this one is the first I ever had. It was also the first I ever purchased from the show room floor.
I've now fulfilled two of my automotive dreams. I only have one more left. Owning a convertible.
It wouldn't have to be candy apple red. Or shown off in a a showroom.
It wouldn't even have to be a hard top. A ragtop would be fine with me. Actually, if I count my Dad's 1958 Lincoln Continental convertible, I guess my car wishes are complete.
It was black and there's still something pretty special about a clean black car.
And as far as accessories, I have a navigator system which I'm not fond of, a back up camera which I love. A tape deck, CD player, 2 FM stations/ 1 AM with lots of ranges and speaker options. My seats are heated. In fact, right now as my car sits in a neighbor's driveway because of road repairs right in front of our driveway, I'll just bet it's on. So I'm good there, too.
It's kinda disheartening when you have reached a goal and there's nothing else to shoot for. But then there's the alternative of having to drive a 1970 Mercury Montego that I had to roll in at late as 1977 because of lack of funds. I had a lot to shoot for back then.