I don't seem to get things anymore.
Like why there's only one sport that celebrates Opening Day.
Like why is golf thought to be only for the upper crust?
Like why the sudden interest in tattoos?
Like why so many people cannot speak without using the word like.
Like what the hell are we doing in Libya?
Like why is tv so bad? I mean never before have most had so many channels and such clear pictures (though I've still never seen plasma), and yet there is very little worth watching.
Like why are movies so bad and ditto the previous specifics?
Like why can't men dye their hair and look half way decent but some (operative word) women can and do?
Like why don't I see blue hair on women anymore?
Like why are the younger generation so sure of themselves when I'm not sure of much of anything?
Like why do people kiss their dogs on the mouth?
Like why did a friend of mine who just turned 40 have her bras strung up in her driveway to mark the occasion? I assume she didn't do it, but still why?