On the QT

Saturday, November 11, 2006


I'm sure this little guy gets into our house at night. Or someone like him.

Right now in AZ it's perfect weather time. No rain, naturally. Bright sunshine, naturally. Lows in the mid 50's; high's in the mid-80's. No heat or air conditioning needed. But the changing temperatures mean the house makes noise. Especially at night.

I get up to see what's going on. Has something fallen? Has someone broken in? Nothing. I hear it again and again. It must just be the house creaking. Except the night I heard an owl outside our bedroom. He kept hooting and hooting. I love owls, so I never would complain. But he got after something that jumped on our roof. He must have gotten something, because I've heard him twice since.

But I'm still not sure it's not some little guy. Who's armed and dangerous. And wanting to play with some of the grandkids' toys. If I ever hear that "Boing, boing," a monkey makes, I'll know for sure.

Friday, November 10, 2006


When my high school geometry teacher called a girl in my class that, I nearly went off on her. The teacher not the girl. I liked the girl. And felt so sorry for her. I still don't know what a mealy mouth is, but I didn't think Susan Montfort was one.

In context, I suppose she meant for Susan to speak up. The teacher was that way. Most of us weren't geometricians in that first hour class and theorems were puzzling to us, so we didn't have a lot of confidence when giving our answers. At least Susan, Nancy Barrett, Donovan Felty, and me.

But I'm right there with my geometry teacher now when I'm watching movies or tv shows. The actors don't enunciate. They don't speak up. Oh, some actors like James Dean and Marlin Brando could pull it off. But most can't, and I shouldn't have to wonder what the heck they're saying when they simply mumble their words.

I honestly thought I had turned to the Spanish channel the other evening when we were watching a movie. It's channel 212 or so, and in my haste to find something, anything to watch, I'd flipped to a movie that I get on our tier simply because I want some sports channels and they are included with the package. But with not a lot going on in sports right now, I was stuck with Raymond or Oprah or NCIS or SINC or something like that or movies. And I couldn't understand one word of dialogue. Maybe I should have been on the Spanish channel: at least, I could pick up casa or enconocerlo or something I know.

Mealy mouths of the world unite. And take more geometry classes and fewer theatre and acting ones.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


They tell us that Mercury, now the smallest planet, will pass in front of the sun on 11/7. It will appear as a dot as it passes. I know better.

The planets have to be all lined up just right for a phenomenon to happen. One did on Friday 11/3. You see, that's the date my sister-in-law Joann made a hole-in-one. So I suspect the planets were in alignment and Mercury passed in front of Ol' Sol on that date. And on 11/7 it will just be a speck passing in front.

Now, am I jealous of her achievement? Envious, yes, but happy for her. Am I rough on her, saying that she's not a very good golfer? No. She and her sister have beaten me (and her husband) on many occasions. But her scorecard on Friday read like this: 7-9-1-7-9. I won't go on. She did start playing better and carded a 105 for the round . In addition, she knocked another one two feet from the pin on another par 3. I didn't have the heart to ask if she made the putt.

So don't bother trying to go to a planetarium to watch Mercury pass. It already did. And you missed it. Just like the astromers who said Pluto wasn't a planet anymore.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


Or you didn't listen to me.

Or can you say Lame Duck?

Or what time is it? Well, turn your clocks back. To failed liberal policies of the Clinton/Kennedy/Pelosi past.

The election results were very disheartening to me, but not unexpected. I just need more blog readers who need direction. Not my current readers, mind you. But those who have Eastern liberal views. And very short memories.

Is this whole entry going to be sour grapes? I think so. But I'm entitled, because outside of John Kyl's victory, my number two highlight was the passing of a referendum that gave farm animals more room to move around in their pens before they went to market. It was that kind of lousy election.

Monday, November 06, 2006


  1. And while I'd never want to influence anyone's vote or political (GOP)party, I mean afterall, it is everyone's RIGHT to select the RIGHT candidates, I would like to remind all my blog reader(s) to vote (STRAIGHT REPUBLICAN) today.

This election is very, very important to our country. There is seemingly more hatred and misinformation and dirty campaigning than I can recall. So it must be important to many.

Don't forget to vote today. And don't let the little guy in the picture down. (I almost said on the left.)

Sunday, November 05, 2006


I promise. Just one more blog entry on the World Series Champions, the St. Louis Cardinals. What a beautiful SI cover!!
You know, historically the Cardinals have prospered in alternating decades.
For the most part, the teens have been bad, the twenties good, the thirties bad, the forties good, the fifties bad, the sixties good, the seventies bad, the eighties good, the nineties bad, and the zeroes good. I just find that interesting. And scarey, 'cause that means the Cardinals have only three more years to be good before a decline. History does repeat itself. And for the last time till Spring--GO CARDINALS!!