If there were no cappuccino in the world, I might just look like this. Actually, it's been less than a week since I discovered and fell in love with it.
After our morning walk, there's nothing better. But today, the little place we go to had its machine on the fritz. So as soon as I get addicted, I'm deprived.
My day started out badly. I cut myself shaving. A rarity. But I've learned that once a blade gets a taste of blood, it's time to throw it away. For I'm certain it will cut me again. I could shave on average 6 days with one blade. Most times no bumps, no abrasions, no blood. But just give that Mach One a morsel of blood under the nose or on the chin and it becomes maniacal. Vampire-like, it craves more blood as I crave cappuccino. Especially when I'm denied.
So I'm going to show that razor blade who's boss. I'm holding on to for 4 more days. I will allow no blood to seep into its crevice between blades 1 and 2 or 2 or 3. I'll be so careful that I may leave stubble that's the in-thing to do these days anyhow. Only that facial hair on the metrosexuals is always dark. Mine is no longer, so it looks at best like sand on my face.
As I left the little shop, I met a man with his dog. We talked about his pup and how she's learning how to behave around people. She did well around us. As we left he said, "Make it a great day."
Not "Have a good day." Not "Have a nice day." Not the generic "Have a good one," but "Make it a great day."
I like that a lot. Even with a razor cut and no cappuccino. I think I will.