After only 29 days out of the country, I know it's good to be back in the U.S. Even if the dems are now in control of House and Senate. (Did you have to start out your first blog of 2007 that way?) Guess so.
I hope all my favorite reader(s) had a great Christmas and New Years. Hopefully, those resolutions are still in tact.
So where have I been? Brazil, Uruguay, Falkland Islands, Argentina, and Chile. I'll have a few specific blogs in later entries. I must have had a good time, because the time just flew by.
Some of the things of note: 1. If you can travel when you're young, do it. And on the two cruises we took, we were young. Comparatively, of course. 2. Don't blame the cruise line for bad weather. Yup, we were blessed in some instances, but overall, our weather wasn't too good. Poor baby. 3. Don't ever spray paint graffiti. Anywhere. And discourage others. What a ruination. 4. Be kind to people. Everywhere. All the time. The world has almost exceeded its number of real jerks. And most, I'm afraid reside in the Eastern (North) part of our country. 5. When you see the beauty of God's creation, appreciate and share. Sprinkle your conversation with any thoughts that give Him the glory. 6. Learn some of the language of the countries you're visiting. It makes them feel so good to know you know at least some phrases in their language. Of course, it helps you, too. I remember in Germany once, I wasn't quite sure which restroom to use. Fortunately I guessed right. 7. Go, go, go --seek and explore. It's an awesome world to see.