When the Oscars followed the NCAA final tournament game, it made for one long and exciting weekend, plus a Monday night later even than Monday Night Football.
But that was in the day of good movies and actors, and yes, we even called the females actresses back then.
As for this year's choices, I could care less (or is it, couldn't care less--I never did get that straight)? While I hate to judge this year's favorites, because I haven't seen any of them, I have seen clips and read reviews and have heard some of the actors interviewed, and as I said, who cares?
One thing that has soured me on watching the oscars or the movies for that matter is the political views and forums the stars choose in discussing their beliefs. I'm not interested in their politics. I think I know their leanings anyway. But when they use their acceptance speeches to denigrate the President of the country, I really find that as distasteful as a michael moore movie or an al gore blasting Mr. Bush when al gore, the self-proclaimed internet inventor, is in a foreign country. Can you say Hanoi al?
I even hit on a John Stewart web site this morning that gave 10 reasons why to watch the oscars. Music, set, carpet walk, and who Jennifer Aniston showed up with were the top 4. I think I'll pass.
If I haven't convinced you not to watch, then go ahead. But when you lose IQ points for tuning in, don't blame me. I'll be working on the draft for my rotisserie baseball league team.