At least one of the three offends. Probably two. Perhaps all three. While maybe, just maybe all three at times certainly seem as if they make no sense.
Two of the three have Pres. ambitions. One was only two heart beats away from being the first US female President.
Why are they so abrasive?
Are powerful women that way? I don't think so. But these three seem to be alienaters and dividers, not just alienaters or dividers. Ask anyone and you'll discover a strong dislike or distaste for at least one. Or maybe it's a trend or sign of the times. If one examines Bush, Obama, Biden, O'Reilly, et. al. in the political theater, the same result will occur. But don't stop there. You might have to go all the way back to Harry S. Truman to find a President or candidate that didn't bring about antipathy to a huge chunk of the electorate. And Sir Harry wasn't enamored by members of his own political party until the tail end of his presidency.
It used to be said that there was no bad publicity as long as a person's name was "out there". I don't think that's the case anymore. Certainly not with Nancy, Clinton, or Sarah. We just might be able to add Bachman to the list as well.