A-Rod, Tejada and Manny Ramirez
All the ballplayers with tattoos and moustaches,
Where are the ballplayers' love for the game?
These aren't a few of my favorite things.
When rich teams spend
When the rules bend
When I'm feeling sad
I turn on the tube to watch my team play
And then I still feel so bad.
Steroids rage on and Selig ignores
It makes me wonder what I watch them for
Interleague play and the stupid DH
C'mon, please baseball
Give me a break
Clemons, Giambi, and Jose Canseco
Now there's a threesome if I do say so
Try ruining baseball
It can be done
No national pastime, no national fun
When rich teams spend
When the rules bend
When I'm feeling sad
I turn on the tube to watch my team play
And then I still feel so bad.