To place out of sight. To discharge. To seep out. To eek out.
If you like secrets, you'll love the NFL draft. Whom will they pick with the Number 2 slot in the draft Saturday? The Rams, of course. My St. Louis Rams. Owners of the second worst record in the league last season. They have earned their Number two selection because of futility.
Number 1 has already been selected by the only team worse than the Rams last year, the Dolphins. They shelled out $57.5 million for an offensive lineman from Michigan. I thought all Michigan players were offensive, but this guy proved it by signing this hefty contract. And if he's making that kind of money, what do you think the owners are taking in? I read today that the Rams franchise is valued at over $900 million dollars. For a team that won 3 games last year.
So are they going to select Chris Long, Huey Long's son from Virginia? Or Glenn Dorsey from LSU? How about Vernon Gholston from The Ohio State University (why the The?)? Or are they going to trade the pick?
One has to be good at deception. Drop a name. Drop a position. Outright lie. Finagle. Surprise. It'll keep the beat writers hopping, and the War Rooms buzzing.
It'll keep computers hot. It'll make a household name out of Mel Kiper. It'll increase hype for the NFL season.
In our fantasy football league, we select the top ten to determine our draft order. One owner last season got the first 7 correct and in order. Naturally, he got the first pick in our draft and beat the tar out of me both times I played him last year. So it's of vital importance to see and predict who goes where.
Rams--you're on the clock. Don't mess it up, or you may get to pick there at Number 2 again next season.