On the QT

Saturday, July 05, 2008


I'm not going for global warming because if it is a scientific fact, there's nothing positive about it. Unless with flooding, it could result in ZPG.

ZPG or zero population growth was huge when I was collegiate. Over population would destroy the earth. There were just too many people having too many kids worldwide. So no self-respecting couple would have any more than 2 offspring, resulting in ZPG, of course. And, of course, that was before Roe v Wade, thus making ZPG out of date, since if we want to abort because, well because of anything, we can legally. Nothing positive there, so ZPG is out.

How about Earth Day? That was also begun when I was in college, and I attended the first celebration of it just outside the Student Union. We were celebrating taking care of the earth. We were into conservation of our natural resources. But then we polluted Lake Erie so bad, that a spelling change was necessary--Lake Eerie. We also had no respect for the land at a little love concert we called, well, you know, Woodstock, the one in New York. But we littered the landscape with plastic bags, and screwed up the ozone layer. Well, we're still celebrating Earth Day, but we use our cell phones to inform others about it, while we deprive the gorilla population their land because we need a valuable ore necessary for production of the cell phone. So we take it. Thus, while the concept is good, the practice isn't.

See what I mean? The green, that's good. The plus, that's good. Put them together and you get Plus Green. Or Green Positive. PG or GP. I still don't know what it stands for or what it should represent. But it's an idea whose time has come.

Friday, July 04, 2008


to own this replica. The Ebay sale is over. Some lucky body was able to purchase this replica ring of Victoria Carlton Newman's engagement to JT Houseeman or something. She was also married to a Ryan Something and was engaged to Neil Winters at one time. Those are all I know, but then again I'm not the loyalist viewer of The Y & R.

But there's a website for those who relish owning replicas of all the different Soap's rings. I would think they would change weekly if I know Soaps. And I don't. But when I hear "do, do, do do, do, do, do, rah, rah, rah, rah..." well, I don't even know the name of the theme song, but I've liked it since some Olympic gymnast used it in a performance.

My mom watched the Soap and so did our kids when they were small. It was on at 11 AM and 4 PM so sometimes they'd watch, I'd ask who and what, and now with tv being what it is, my wife and I will tape the show and watch it when something bad is happening to someone or when Victor Newman is doing something cool.

We can fast forward when some we don't like are focal points. I should clarify, too, that only I, not my wife, likes to see bad stuff happen. I actually root for the kidnappers and killers most of the time. Why? I'm mean, I guess. And there are very few that I like besides Victor, who's mean himself. He has a new son Adam from another marriage and he's ruthless, so I like him. He has a girlfriend I like, too, because she's devious and a lot like Victor who doesn't like her.

So if Adam and his girl get engaged, there will be another replica ring to bid on. I don't think anyone I know will bid. I might, if the girl is mean enough in upcoming shows.

Thursday, July 03, 2008


What Obama and Mr. McCain did last July 4. Oh, we know how patriotic they are now, whether wearing an American flag lapel pin or not. But what did they do on Independence Day 2007?

And, does it matter? To me July 4 stands for freedom certainly. But it has always stood for family for me, too. Whether it was watching fireworks at the City Park or across the street from Bobby and Dickie Young's house on College. Whether it was a picnic, participating or watching a golf tournament, a ballgame, a swimming party, a cook out, setting off fireworks for the kids and family friends in the neighborhood, going to the lake. Sometimes we would combine more than one. Sometimes all packed into one day.

And, as I said, it didn't matter. As long as we were celebrating together. As long as we at least peripherally thought about our country and the freedoms we have. (No, I don't know if peripheral goes with thinking, but it should.) And I hope that that fact was the center of our celebration. Though once again, it's easy to let Summer get in the way, to take control, to seize the moment(s).

So whatever Barack Hussein and John did last July 4, I hope it also included prayer and thanksgiving. I hope those two necessities are not overlooked this Fourth of July. By the candidates and the voters.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

I loved getting My Weekly Reader in the mail in the Summer. First of all, I hardly got any mail at that age, but when my newspaper came, I devoured it.
For the first two issues anyway. Until Summer got a toehold on me. When I asked our oldest grandson if he had ever heard of MWR, he said no. I didn't google it to see if it was still in operation. But it should be.
Boy, what I change of heart I just had. I hope it's not around anymore. Why? The news would be so biased. It wasn't then, or at least it was well-disguised. I prefer to remember it as fair. As I tried to teach my classes.
I thought that was what teachers were supposed to be. Oh, I know all about the perversion of college profs. But by then, some of us could sift through it, regurgitate back the propaganda and still retain our own opinions. But in high school, I didn't feel it quite fair to spout my political views, and I didn't. Even though I knew others in my department were spewing out left wing agendas.
And I'm afraid that's the way the Weekly Reader might have gone. A balance? Two sides? Fairness? I'm afraid it's gone the same way as courtesy and manners and morals. A daygoneby.