In ancient times in the Old World, advertising existed. We may groan at the numerous commercials that invade our tv watching, except for the one from Dairy Queen about the guy boarding a plane trying to stuff his baggage into an overhead compartment while a fellow passenger steals gulps of his Blizzard. No matter how many times I see that one I laugh when the luggage falls and plops down on some unsuspecting passengers, But sadly the gecko is getting very annoying along with lots of other commercials.
When sailors hit terra firma again in Ancient Turkey, there was advertising awaiting them, This photo shows perhaps the first example. A rock carving illustrates a drawing, seen in the lower left hand corner, of a woman extolling her beauty. At the top of the photo, one can see a big footprint showing the way to the fourth house just off the Agora or Beama, or marketplace.
This is the home of the woman who is directing the sailor(s). Also in the Turkish carving is an etching of an ancient coin, indicating that her services will cost the weary, yet eager sailor(s).
Perhaps not as sophisticated as modern advertising, it was ingenious for ancient times in Ephesus. As amazingly, her advertising medium, rock, lasted throughout the years.