On the QT

Saturday, November 27, 2010

No that's too too easy. I'm not about to pose that question about seniority.
Nor am I going to discuss how perfectly created the egg is. Much has been written about that and how happenstance would be hard to explain its creation if not at the hand of a Maker.
I'm not even going to talk about egging as a pastime in my day to show one's dissatisfaction with another. The damage that eggs can do to paint jobs on cars or on houses is enormous.
I'm not even going to talk about the healthy issues of whether eggs are good for us or not. Or whether eggs shells placed near roses are really good for them.
So just what is my egg topic? The Egghead. Why?
It's been noted that people with rather large heads are smarter than the average bear. But why egghead? How did that term originate? We have a writer at our local newspaper who answers such queries. It's good reading and I suppose I could send in my question for him to answer. But then, I'd rather figure it out on my own without him or Google.
Sometimes I can't. It would be easier if the egg's yoke was gray. As in gray matter. It'd be easier if Humpty Dumpty would have more substance. It would be easier is grades were E for Excellent.
Maybe I should have stuck with egg shells placed next to a growing rose bush. The shells help. Why? You'd have to ask an egghead.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

for Thanksgiving. In his proclamation to establish the holiday as the last Thursday in November, Mr. Lincoln stated it was a time for praise and Thanksgiving to God. This was signed in the middle of the Civil War. Yet as he pointed out, there were many things to be thankful for.
Charles Stanley posed a "What If" question to his audience last Sunday. What if the entire Congress would drop to their knees before the next session and pray to God for guidance, admitting their/our failures and shortcomings. Admitting that we don't know where to go and turn to Him for guidance.
Every generation thinks that it is the last. But there are indicators that we have a pretty good shot at. Yet before that day, that day of the establishment of the Millennial Kingdom, several events must unfold. Isaiah 24-27 has been called the little Revelation. Check there.
These were just three thoughts brought out by three members of my BSF discussion group in a fellowship last evening. Why the rings around Saturn pictured? I liked the photograph taken an an eclipse revealing clarity to the rings. I'm still puzzled about why no stars are visible in the darkened part of the planet, but hey, I'm still puzzled by why Pluto is no longer a planet. And certainly about the last days.
But as our discussion leader shared, when he was on the operating table for a triple by-pass, he prayed, "If I awaken in Heaven, it's all right with me. It's your will, Lord." I love that faith he illustrated. I have a feeling when we get to Heaven, we won't even care to find out about Saturn's rings. But we will have plenty of time to ask.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


When you do it this Thanksgiving, don't moan. If you're flying. Please allow the TSA people full disclosure.

I fly a lot. Enough to wear out my favorite carry-on, forcing me to have to buy another. I arrive at the airport in plenty of time for my flight. Sometimes going through security takes awhile. So if you're flying this holiday and you happen to be one of the 3% who get radiated or squeezed, just do it. Don't cause a fuss, or don't fly.

It's really all that simple. Or don't participate. But you better believe that terrorists would like nothing better than to blow us out of the sky. Don't give them any more opportunity. Just comply or just don't fly.

Have a great Thanksgiving, and while you're at it, please remember the TSA and others trying to keep us safe and free. Include them in your blessing before diving into the bounty.


So just what would Fall be

Without a falling leaf, a fallen tree?

Without an alabaster moon

Or a scythe when it wanes or waxes?

Take away the Hallow Eve and cider

Kick the Pilgrims under the door,

The Indians, too, no Thanksgiving anymore.
Stop the game of pigskin; no more tailgate
Don't set back your clocks; it's never too late.
Ban bonfires and cookouts, marshmallows and dogs
Stop all cool breezes, cold rain, dampness, fog.
No sweatpants, no hoodies, no logs in fireplace
No chills, bring no redness to no one's cold face.
End it now. Bring on Winter, and Summer, and Spring
Do away with all greatness the Fall season brings.
And I'll rely on my memories of this quarter year
'Cause in Arizona, Autumn doesn't appear.

Monday, November 22, 2010

about that tee shirt? My Saluki tee from my bi-alma mater Southern Illinois University.
Every time I wear it, which is a lot since it fits me better than most these days, someone comments about it. "Oh, you were a Saluki? From Carbondale.
Then they go on to tell me that their daughter goes there--that happened on a cruise to South America a year or two ago. Or they graduated from there--that happened this year with my BSF Discussion Leader who got his credits while serving in the Marines. And it happened again this year with a former Discussion Leader of mine, also in Bible Study Fellowship.
Two days ago, a neighbor of mine talked about the great sports at SIU and although he had some mis-information on a former player and a former coach, he obviously was familiar with the school.
Similar things happen in stores when people start up conversations about the shirt and the school. It's happening so much that I'm starting to believe our son's assertion that "At some point in their lives, every person will pass through Mt. Vernon, IL"--just 60 miles away SIU.
I'll wear the shirt again this week and promise to report the findings in a future blog.