No that's too too easy. I'm not about to pose that question about seniority.
Nor am I going to discuss how perfectly created the egg is. Much has been written about that and how happenstance would be hard to explain its creation if not at the hand of a Maker.
I'm not even going to talk about egging as a pastime in my day to show one's dissatisfaction with another. The damage that eggs can do to paint jobs on cars or on houses is enormous.
I'm not even going to talk about the healthy issues of whether eggs are good for us or not. Or whether eggs shells placed near roses are really good for them.
So just what is my egg topic? The Egghead. Why?
It's been noted that people with rather large heads are smarter than the average bear. But why egghead? How did that term originate? We have a writer at our local newspaper who answers such queries. It's good reading and I suppose I could send in my question for him to answer. But then, I'd rather figure it out on my own without him or Google.
Sometimes I can't. It would be easier if the egg's yoke was gray. As in gray matter. It'd be easier if Humpty Dumpty would have more substance. It would be easier is grades were E for Excellent.
Maybe I should have stuck with egg shells placed next to a growing rose bush. The shells help. Why? You'd have to ask an egghead.