I was informed that my paltry bid fell short of securing Finance and Fortune, a precursor of Monopoly. The board game came out one year before Monopoly in 1935. It was complete and in excellent condition.
Why did I want it? I don't know. The grandkids and I still play Junior Monopoly. It's fun and doesn't last nearly as long. My only complaint with the real deal game.
There's just something about board games. They're competitive, they're played by several family members or friends, they take us away from mindless tv, and they allow time for conversation or good natured ribbing while playing. Like it says on the Finance box, Fun for Everybody.
My favorite Monopoly game piece was the dog. Usually everybody wants the car, so I just snag the dog. Why a cannon? Even more so, why an iron? Now, if the cannon was cool like the one on the Square in MTV, then ok, but the Monopoly cannon is lame. And who ever gets excited about ironing? "Yeah, let me be the iron, man." "No way, I'm always the iron."
Come to think of it, the hotels could be a little more fitting for the prices they charge when landing there. Why should Boardwalk's hotel look identical to St. James Place? Or the flop house Baltic Avenue of the dreaded purple group? Fix 'em up if you're going to charge me top dollar.
Oh, I guess could tweak Monopoly. Like the Universities have and make their own Boardwalks and railroads, but then you're tweaking an institution. Your revising history. So, I say leave it alone. But I would have liked to pick up Finance, just for the novelty.