Unbelievably this blog entry is number 800 for me. I guess I'm pretty transparent if I've shared my feelings and thoughts that many times. Plus, with two other blogs, I guess I just have to write even if my audience is not too large.
The movie 21 is about some MIT students who go to Vegas, count cards for blackjack, signal players and make a lot of money. While the practice is not illegal, Vegas casino owners more than frown at the practice, so it has to be done under an air of secrecy.
While I don't know Jane Willis, the character played by Kate Bosworth (pictured), her parents are good friends of ours. And that's really neat. Another former student of mine played a small role in the MIT 21. Actually, she only knew the participants and what they were doing, but her part was played on a diffferent, less elaborate role in another gambling mecca, so that's kinda neat, too. The last time a person from MTV did anything in Hollywood was when Ben Moses directed Good Morning Viet Nam. Another MTV tie was a producer for Hoosiers who married a classmate of mine from high school.
I haven't seen the movie yet. But you can bet I will. Also, I imagine I'll keep blogging, too. I mean you wouldn't want to miss out on any great reflections that I've had. Or great insights into very important issues and ideas.