I've been baptised twice. My wife, too. Our kids only once. Probably like Deion Sanders.
In Pisa, Italy, we had a too cool guide. He spoke several languages and would converse to other visitors to the Leaning Tower, Cathedral, and Baptistery in their languages. To be hospitable? To show his linguistic masteries? Who knows?
He periodically would bash neighboring Florence. A long time rival, I suppose. But when he made fun of their baptising by full immersion, he rankled me. Actually, he had bugged me earlier by his cosmopolitan act. He said in Florence, Italy, the one who professed faith in Jesus was dunked under the water three times. We only do it once in the US. But he added, "In Pisa, we think that's unnecessary. It's enough to sprinkle."
Maybe it is, maybe not. Some say baptism is not necessary at all to reach Heaven. But I don't need a fluent tour guide to criticize my religion. I almost asked, but restrained, "And how was Jesus baptized by his cousin John the Baptist? Was He only sprinkled?"
But then I would have been no better than he, criticizing another's religion. Don't get me wrong. I have strong religious beliefs and I certainly don't think all will go to Heaven whomever they worship. The way I read the Bible, there is only one way according to John 14:6 and that is through following God's own Son, Jesus Christ.
I'm not saying that no others will be in the kingdom, but the one sure fire way is through Jesus. And do I think those from Pisa will be there? I sure do as well as those from Florence.