My allergy, that is. Although in June and early July when Ranier cherries are available in AZ, I know my limitations, but it still hurts not to be able to eat my fill.
Strawberries, though are available year round. Plus a recent study pointed out how they are healthy for us, too. Especially on a big bowl of ice cream. Homemade vanilla, naturally. Well, at least the first part is true. But when added to ice cream or dipped in chocolate, even the darkest of dark chocolate, well the good for us is out the window.
But I've always loved strawberries. I think part of it has to do with the sight appeal. They just look good. Perfectly shaped, little dimples, beautiful cardinal red color, with a little twisty stem pull off. They shout Summer and sunshine and out-of-doors to me. They seem to be the sexiest fruit, too, but don't ask me why. Just maybe because the media shows men feeding women strawberries in bed. At least I think I've seen that a few times in movies. If not, well I should have.
Picking them and filling those little baskets broke my back even when in my 20's. But I loved to do it. The reward was cheap, fresh berries, and a sense of accomplishment that I was almost co-owner in the growth process.
When, rarely, our strawberries started to go bad, my mom would squish them, add sugar, and pour over the vanilla ice cream I referred to earlier. A different but also great taste.
I guess had I been allergic to strawberries instead of cherries, I'd have walked around with swollen eyes. At least during the Summer months.