Friday, December 17, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010
I think I have it right.

But it's kinda gross. If you want to skip today's blog and tune in tomorrow, well it may not be a bad idea. Now that I have your attention.
It seems there's a bacterial disease of the colon that's going around. (Now aren't you sorry you didn't skip? It's not too late.) It seems that even the most potent antibiotics cannot eradicate the disease.
Some doctors out East decided to try to get good bacteria to fight bad bacteria. So they injected healthy fecal matter from a donor into the infected colon of the one suffering. They have had success and claim that it is no more uncomfortable than a colonoscopy.
But the thought.
Maybe I should stop here. But you know I won't. Too many possibilities. So I'll start with a tough one right off the bat. We've all heard of those who have "sh&t for brains". Does that mean a cranium injection could possible alleviate that problem?
Where do we get volunteers to produce the good bacteria? Will there be a movement (I simply couldn't resist) like the organ donors where one can sign on his driver's license? It could go something like this--"I'm active in recreation and contact sports. I pledge that if I ever get the sh&t knocked out of me, that it can be donated to a person with a colon disease in need of my good bacteria."
If it's true that people who have brown eyes simply are full of sh$t that is stacked that high, and if they can be persuaded to donate several stools, then could their eyes change colors? In just a few generations, could "beautiful, beautiful brown eyes" simply cease to exist?
Of course, as usual I have only questions; no answers. But one final thought. If they give blood donors orange juice to drink after they give blood, would they serve the defecaters beans after their donation?
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Monday, December 13, 2010

Sunday, December 12, 2010