That's what the headline of the lead-in article in our paper's Food Section said today? I re-read. Sometimes my mind sees stuff not there. In fact, there are so many times, that I can't give an example.
So I'll make one up to serve. If I saw an advertisement for Fresh Greens, my first read might just be Freshen Gums. Maybe not the best example in the world, but I guess I'm such a fast reader that my mind processes faster than my eye. I meant that sentence as a joke when I started it, because I graded too many papers for too many years to think that I can read fast. But maybe just fast enough to make that statement about processing accurate.
But back to the headline. Someone really needs to help me out on this one. How in the world can baby carrots be sexy? Maybe eating them instead of a banana split everyday would help you become more sexy. But the carrots themselves? Any food? Or car. I've heard people describe their cars as sexy. Just how?
What's next? Boats, houses, Best Buy Stores?
Maybe the woman in the old coke ad is sexy. Not to me. But coke probably thought so back then. And maybe back then she was. I won't explain what sexy to me is. But it's not anything I've mentioned so far.
But when I heard a young man (30's, maybe) express to the aunt of a four-year old that her niece looked sexy, I about lost it.
Maybe sexy has a different meaning than it used to. I get behind in slang. I'm still getting used to "spot on" and "my bad". I don't care for either. I'm so out of it technologically, too. When a Facebook friend wrote Ty, I thought he was talking about someone named Ty (as in Cobb). When he informed me it meant "Thank You," I felt as if I were on the outside of an inside joke.
Well, it's mid-morning for me, and I'm getting a little hungry after an early up and at 'em and a 3-mile walk. If I could only find something sexy to munch on. We have some yellow organic baby carrots, but I had some last night watching pre-season football. They weren't sexy to me at all. They just tasted a little bitter.
Is sexy the new bitter?
That's what the headline of the lead-in article in our paper's Food Section said today? I re-read. Sometimes my mind sees stuff not there. In fact, there are so many times, that I can't give an example.
So I'll make one up to serve. If I saw an advertisement for Fresh Greens, my first read might just be Freshen Gums. Maybe not the best example in the world, but I guess I'm such a fast reader that my mind processes faster than my eye. I meant that sentence as a joke when I started it, because I graded too many papers for too many years to think that I can read fast. But maybe just fast enough to make that statement about processing accurate.
But back to the headline. Someone really needs to help me out on this one. How in the world can baby carrots be sexy? Maybe eating them instead of a banana split everyday would help you become more sexy. But the carrots themselves? Any food? Or car. I've heard people describe their cars as sexy. Just how?
What's next? Boats, houses, Best Buy Stores?
Maybe the woman in the old coke ad is sexy. Not to me. But coke probably thought so back then. And maybe back then she was. I won't explain what sexy to me is. But it's not anything I've mentioned so far.
But when I heard a young man (30's, maybe) express to the aunt of a four-year old that her niece looked sexy, I about lost it.
Maybe sexy has a different meaning than it used to. I get behind in slang. I'm still getting used to "spot on" and "my bad". I don't care for either. I'm so out of it technologically, too. When a Facebook friend wrote Ty, I thought he was talking about someone named Ty (as in Cobb). When he informed me it meant "Thank You," I felt as if I were on the outside of an inside joke.
Well, it's mid-morning for me, and I'm getting a little hungry after an early up and at 'em and a 3-mile walk. If I could only find something sexy to munch on. We have some yellow organic baby carrots, but I had some last night watching pre-season football. They weren't sexy to me at all. They just tasted a little bitter.
Is sexy the new bitter?