On the QT

Friday, August 12, 2011


For me to turn off a movie because it's too gross.  But I did last night.

Most of the time it's for language, but last night it was a PG-13 movie that was sexually gross to me.

PG-13?  Are you kidding me?  How can they put stuff in there like that?  I know, you don't know what "like that" was.  But you can imagine. 

Granted I'm a fogey, but still.  Granted I watch a few movies that my wife is disgusted by, but I repeat--still.

And, no, Dustin Hoffman, one of my all-time favorite actors, was not in the movie.  It was a teen movie, but not suitable for teens.

Far too much sexual innuendo.  Like many, many tv shows.  When a culture stoops to that base form of humor, it speaks volumes to me. 

Just maybe we should outsource our movies to other countries instead of our jobs.  Ok, I'm done now.

But expect to hear more on this subject.

Thursday, August 11, 2011


Well.  I could start with the financial shape of our country and how far too many cannot grasp the basic principle that if you spend more than you take in, you're in debt.  If you continue to be in debt, you cannot spend your way out of it.

Or, I could moan about the weather.  My goodness.  Far too many have been cheated, yes cheated out of Summer because of excessive heat and rain. When I've been where there are good temperatures, something called a maritime stationary front has provided thick February grayness and increased humidity.

Or, maybe I could complain about my Cardinals.  Where have you gone Albert Pujols: Cardinal Nation turns its lonely eyes to you.  And I imagine if you were allowed a do-over, you'd jump at the final before Spring Training offer you refused.  You certainly helped in the past, but this year, well you certainly helped in the past.

Or maybe the NBA and their looming strike.  Yeah, like I care about the NBA.  Not since the St. Louis Hawks left for Atlanta, though tried hard to root for the Bad Boys of Detroit because our son's affinity for them.  My hometown Suns?  They are so clueless.

But I'm actually grrred because of my second Summer cold.  I never get colds.  I rarely get colds, but two have found me and my wife this Summer. I sound like I'm on my last legs when I get them, but this year, my wife, who is usually very cute with her cold, is hacking and sputtering like me.  And it is making my mad as our son used to say (way before my bad).

Monday, August 08, 2011

I remember when that expression was in vogue.  I remember when in vogue was in vogue.  I will be glad when "My Bad," falls to the wayside.  I never did get that one; I mean my bad what?

But this sign taken by a Texan friend of mine advertises Magott's fresh meat at the Maggot Grocery.  Now, I know Maggot may have pride in their family name.  I could give other names I would alter if it were my family but not wanting to offend anymore people than the Maggots, I won't but because Maggots  are maggots, I don't want anything to do with them.

"Oh, these New York strips are great!  Where did you get them?"

Well, after hearing the answer, I'd be finished with my steak.

I'd say my friend should send this picture into Jay Leno, but I don't think he's in vogue anymore.  How about Vogue magazine?  Is it in vogue?