I know--it's a bone to pick, but I also have a beef, so why not synergize the two? Did I just make another diction error?
Anyhows. (How am I ever going to get started on this entry when I keep having to explain my usage? But if some say anyways instead of anyway, then why don't they say anyhows, too?)
Our son used to coach an Upward Basketball team at our MTV home church. Our grandsons played. Two other coaches were very good friends of ours. And it's a great Christian organization that teaches fundamentals. There is also time for some talk about living the Christian life.
Certainly no beef yet. Ok. Our grandsons asked not to play in the league this year. For one reason: the league doesn't keep score.
Now it's not the only league that I've seen that doesn't keep score. It's just another that should. How do you play a competitive game and not keep score? You just know someone is. Some parent, some other kid. And even if not, the players know if they won or not. So keep the dang score.
I never played in a sanctioned or backyard game that not only did I know the score, I knew how many points or how many hits or how many tds or tackles I made. There's enough things that kids don't understand about adults, and to be honest, Christians anyhow. Let's not give them any more.
So Grant and Nathan are signed up for YMCA basketball this year. They'll miss out on a lot of good things that Upward does. But at least they'll know the score.