As long as they promote Flo. I just learned her name today when I found the picture. I've never watched or listened to the commercial. I click through it as fast as I can when I see it. Why? I am annoyed by enough stuff without adding Flo to my list.
Remember Larry, the cable guy? Same thing. How about the Geiko lizard? Again, same thing. The Windows 7 guy, too.
First, I guess you have to understand that I can't stand commercials. I don't even like the Super Bowl ones 90% of the time.
It used to be that I could watch more than one tv show at a time when I made good use of the remote clicking at commercials. Now, there are so many commercials, and seemingly same air time requirements that I can't do that. Even sports tv timeouts seem to be orchestrated where I can't maximize my viewing anymore.
Tack on obnoxiousness in commercials and I'm lunaticical. (yeah, that's the word). And Flo is as repulsive as the Flo on Alice who kept saying "Kiss my grits". There's another that's irritating me: one of the cowboys on The Amazing Race who keeps saying, "Oh my gravy."
Now, as one who has a distaste for profanity, you would think I wouldn't mind an occasional expression or phrase such as that, but I do. It has nothing to do with the cowboys; they're one of my favorites this season. Maybe I'm just a little on edge.
I mean the way the country's being run, the economy (oh yeah, I just said that), the weather, the traffic, the 'tween sports seasons (I only watch a little of The Olympics. Since the USSR and East Germany aren't in it, it's just not quite the same. I mean who really cares if we whip up on Canada and Norway/ they're are buds aren't they?) I saw a Turkish woman skate the other day, but what we need to re-interest me is to get Iran in there. Or the al-Queidas. Then I'll watch. How about the North Koreans? The New England football team. Let Bobby Knight coach Indiana again. I mean those are some real bad guys. Put America against them and I'm glued.
With one caveat; when Flo comes on the screen, I'm gone.

As long as they promote Flo. I just learned her name today when I found the picture. I've never watched or listened to the commercial. I click through it as fast as I can when I see it. Why? I am annoyed by enough stuff without adding Flo to my list.
Remember Larry, the cable guy? Same thing. How about the Geiko lizard? Again, same thing. The Windows 7 guy, too.
First, I guess you have to understand that I can't stand commercials. I don't even like the Super Bowl ones 90% of the time.
It used to be that I could watch more than one tv show at a time when I made good use of the remote clicking at commercials. Now, there are so many commercials, and seemingly same air time requirements that I can't do that. Even sports tv timeouts seem to be orchestrated where I can't maximize my viewing anymore.
Tack on obnoxiousness in commercials and I'm lunaticical. (yeah, that's the word). And Flo is as repulsive as the Flo on Alice who kept saying "Kiss my grits". There's another that's irritating me: one of the cowboys on The Amazing Race who keeps saying, "Oh my gravy."
Now, as one who has a distaste for profanity, you would think I wouldn't mind an occasional expression or phrase such as that, but I do. It has nothing to do with the cowboys; they're one of my favorites this season. Maybe I'm just a little on edge.
I mean the way the country's being run, the economy (oh yeah, I just said that), the weather, the traffic, the 'tween sports seasons (I only watch a little of The Olympics. Since the USSR and East Germany aren't in it, it's just not quite the same. I mean who really cares if we whip up on Canada and Norway/ they're are buds aren't they?) I saw a Turkish woman skate the other day, but what we need to re-interest me is to get Iran in there. Or the al-Queidas. Then I'll watch. How about the North Koreans? The New England football team. Let Bobby Knight coach Indiana again. I mean those are some real bad guys. Put America against them and I'm glued.
With one caveat; when Flo comes on the screen, I'm gone.